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Kan Herb Company
Gentle Warriors

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Dosage and Administration

For babies less than or as old as one year, and for children between the ages of one and four, frequency of dosage is more important than quantity. The herbs should be given each time the child would ordinarily nurse, drink or eat. For children between five years old and twelve years old, regularity and timing are also critical factors: the herbs should be taken shortly after awakening, before or after regular meals and at bedtime. In general, it is easiest to administer the formulas to children as part of their morning, mealtime or evening ritual. For small children and for those averse to strange tastes, without placing the dropper in the mouth, the extracts may be squirted into the back of the throat where there are fewer taste buds and the swallowing reflex is easily triggered.

The herbs need not be refrigerated, as they have a long shelf life when kept tightly capped and out of direct light. No liquid extract should be given chilled from the refrigerator, but rather warmed or at room temperature. The extracts may also be mixed with room temperature fruit juice, milk, cereal and mashed fruits or vegetables to facilitate ingestion and further mask their taste. However, when the herbs become diluted by more than small quantities of foods or liquids, the overall dosage or frequency may need to increase in order to obtain the expected effects, unless a very slow and moderate action is desired.

Dosage Guidelines
0-4 years: 15-30 drops 2-3 times daily
4-8 years: 30-45 drops 3 times daily
8-12 years: 45-60 drops 3 times daily
12 years-adult: 60-90 drops 3 times daily
Note: 30-35 drops = 1/2 dropperful


Product Line Information:
Gentle Warriors
Growing the Dao
Chinese Modular Solutions
Sage Solutions
Formulator's Biography:
Articles & Books Written:
Historical Roots of Chinese Modular Solutions
The Five Body Constituents
Efrem Korngold, L.Ac., O.M.D. and Harriet Beinfield, L.Ac.

Kan Herbals
Kan Traditionals
Jade Woman Herbals &
Jade Man Herbals
Chinese Modular Solutions
Sage Solutions
Kan Singles
Alembic Herbals
Kan Essentials

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